Thursday, December 31, 2009

Laura got hit on Dec. 19 and her car totaled. On Dec. 30 she bought this 2007 Ford Focus ZX5 SES with 5,600 miles on it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Today is Inlaw2's 62nd Birthday. Great things are being accomplished today. She's mixing up peanut blossom cookies for Christmas, now meets the requirements to get those Soc. Sec. checks - which don't start coming until the end of Feb. :-( , and is working on details for a mini-cruise vacation (hopefully in April). See 'ya all soon.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

60 & Over the Hill? Not!!!

Tonight we celebrated my 60th Birthday (which is tomorrow - Dec. 9). My favorite oldest daughter provided my favorite grandson with the the Over the Hill (AM NOT) decorations and he decorated. Snowing like crazy tonight and schools, etc. are already cancelled for tomorrow.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Tonight (Fri. Dec. 4, 2009) was Shawano's Santa Parade. Merchants downtown were open and catering to the parade goers. Damon & his guitar teacher played guitars & sang for an hour in the Jungle Music Store.